The First Trait of Successful Entrepreneur’s –

The First Trait of Successful Entrepreneur’s

February 23, 2010

The first trait of successful entrepreneurs. This will be a series all about traits of successful entrepreneurs.

1. Confidence

“All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure.” -Mark Twain

Mark Twain says it pretty good with this quote in my opinion. At first it confused me a little bit, “ignorance and confidence leads to success”…It just didn’t make sense to me.

HOWEVER, I sat and thought about this and realized how true it is in fact. It’s true in any part of life, not just Entrepreneurship. It’s even true in the dating world ;-) (From personal experiences, the more that I am confident in myself and who I am when approaching girls, the more they seem to be open to talking with me)

Beware of The TRAP

Would-be entrepreneur’s often get caught up in the “what if this doesn’t work” trap. Having the confidence to just put your faith in the fact that everything will work out is something we need to possess.

In September of 2009, starting my Senior year of college I had a major changing point in my life. I was newly single and had no idea where my future was going. I had a choice to make the night this happened. A bottle of liquor or Tony Robbin’s Awaken The Giant Within course on my iPod.

As you can probably tell, I chose to further develop myself as a person/Entrepreneur. I walked around for about 2 hours that night listening to this audio-book and just realizing the true power that I possess inside of me. It did what it said…it awoke the giant within me. It brought out my confidence in myself as an Entrepreneur and made me realize that the goals I set for myself are attainable.

Confidence is necessary to be successful. People will notice if you have confidence in yourself and your product/service and will judge you on how you present yourself.

Be confident in who you are.

You are unique and you kick ass. Be you and don’t let anyone hold you down. You’re on the path to success and anyone who’s trying to hold you back deserves to be left in your dust.

Click here to read the second trait of successful entrepreneurs.

Chris Hughes

My goal is to positively impact the lives of over 10 million people.

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