What Is Digital Real Estate? – WhosChrisHughes.com

What Is Digital Real Estate?

In this video, you’ll learn what digital real estate is, and how you can start to create it for yourself.

The simplest explanation for digital real estate is creating a resource that you can refer to over and over again that answers specific questions for people. For example in this video I talk about creating videos specific to surfing.

So pieces of digital real estate when it comes to surfing could be creating videos talking about the different types of surfboards that are available and the pro’s and con’s of each of the styles. You can also create videos reviewing different types of surf leashes, or explaining why a certain type of wax works better on your board in different water temperatures.

Once you create these videos that answer people’s questions, you can have someone transcribe the video (take the audio out and turn it into written word) and turn that into a blog post.

Each of these pieces of content that you create will be uploaded to a variety of sources that I mention in the “content repurposing” video I have listed down below.

The idea is to create a large amount of these videos and blog posts that answer people’s questions within your niche. While this stuff won’t immediately result in generating you income, it will over time if its helpful content.

For example I can refer others to this video anytime they ask me to explain digital real estate to them. This video can be leveraged to save me time that it would take to explain this exact process to people. This will save me time, and time is money.

It might earn me some affiliate commissions for referring different products that I use to the people who watch the video and read this description. It might also earn me revenue from advertisers who want to advertise on this video and give me a percentage of the money they pay for it.

Each of these is a way to monetize the digital real estate I created today.

I really hope this is helpful for you and that you get value out of this video. Please let me know below if you have any questions.

Resources Mentioned:

Rev.com to get transcriptions – Click here for $10 free credit

How to Re-purpose Your Facebook Live Videos on 13 Platforms

What is a sales funnel video explanation

Chris Hughes

My goal is to positively impact the lives of over 10 million people.

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