The Second Trait of Successful Entrepreneur’s –

The Second Trait of Successful Entrepreneur’s

February 23, 2010

This is a continuation of the series for the top 10 traits of successful entrepreneurs.

2. Humility

I just today realized the importance of Humility when I was listening to an interview that Bradley Will did with Bob Burg on the UnStrapp’d blog for Generation Y Entrepeneurs.  Bob was speaking of the top 2 traits for Young Entrepreneur’s after Brad asked him the question and Bob mentioned Confidence and Humility.

“A Combination of Confidence and Humility. The kind of confidence that says I know I can go in there and give it my best shot and that I can succeed because I’m humble enough to make sure to get the information from those who’ve already done it. Not try to re-invent the wheel but to realize there are people who know more than I do. I’m humble enough to know I have to take action and that I’m going to get knocked on my rear end a bunch of times and that’s part of the process.”

-Bob Burg

Humility to me is realizing that we truly don’t know everything. A funny thing that I realized last week while I was reading “Mission: Success by OG Mandino” was that the more I read, the more I realize that there is so much out there that I do not know.

I know that I’ve been learning a ton and have been applying these principles I learn to become more successful, but the fact of the matter is: I still have a TON to learn. In fact, I’d say I have about 1,000 TONS to learn!

Being humble is about finding your balance I feel like, which is why I want to end this with a little picture of a guy learning how to unicycle. It takes the balance of a few friends to get yourself comfortable but once you are up and running, it just becomes another great trait of yours!

Chris Hughes

My goal is to positively impact the lives of over 10 million people.

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