The Law of Value –

The Law of Value

As you are familiar from the book, “The Go-Giver“, the Law of Value states that “Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.”

Well, as a young entrepreneur in business we’re also aware that we need to make sales to make money, right? (I’m nodding yes)

However, we need to also be aware that the important thing isn’t making the sale, it is about allowing the exchange of money for a service to happen. A little confusing? Yeah, I got that too.

Say it with me now “I create value…”

What we want to be doing as Entrepreneur’s when we are selling our services is to just allow for the transaction to take place. We AREN’T making a sale, we are receiving it.

When creating “value” we need to view our work as creating value and not just trading “time for $$”(which is often the mindset we start with, at least it was in my case). When I first got started as an Entrepreneur, I thought in terms of “$8 an hour”  which caused me to basically only do $8/hour worth of work. It’s true, you get what you pay for and I wasn’t putting out information that was worth more than $8-10 an hour, so no one would pay any more. (Sad realization, but one that needed to take place in my mind)

It’s clear to me now that in order to increase the amount of money I earn each hour/day/year, all I needed to do was put out value that was worth more than $8 an hour. Say for example that I want to eventually make $10,000 an hour for public speaking. To get to that point, I need to be able to create enough value to where 10,000 people paying $1 to attend this seminar would get at least $10-$100 worth of value from me in that hour.

My Gift To You!

It’s true that 4-5ths of all selling is spent creating value. The other part is just receiving the sale from an eager person waiting to enjoy the benefits of the value you create.

As soon as we learn to think in the terms of “creating value”, our lives start to transform. With the Internet as a “tool” in our utility belt, we can leverage the hell out of our time. (think creating videos, eBooks, audio’s, training power-points, etc etc) The internet allows us to share our valuable content with the world and connect like never before with our super-happy customers.

We need to start investing in ourselves and in the things that we do, allowing our strengths & passions to shine through in all we do. (rhyme, +1 point)

What I am going to be doing is dedicating my time to creating amazing value, so much value that you literally want to come to my house and take me out for dinner for delivering such good value. Haha, anyways what I intend on spending my time thinking from now on is not in the terms of “how much money will I make for this”, but switch it to “how much value can I provide my readers” .

The 2 questions to ask yourself…

“Does it serve?”

“Does it add value to others?”

and the question we finally get to ask ourselves is “Does it make money?” and using the Internet as a tool, we can pretty much make money with ANY type of idea, from teaching Juggling Secrets to saving money by renting college textbooks.  (yes, I make money if you choose to buy the Juggling course, or rent some textbooks, saving you $$  that’s the power of the Internet)

Giving value just becomes a part of us and you know what, it feels AWESOME when you give value. Everything from helping someone grow their business like I love to do, or volunteering at a local food shelter adds value to someone and you feel AWESOME after doing these things, trust me. 

If you want, you can pick up “Go-Givers Sell More” click here.

Chris Hughes

My goal is to positively impact the lives of over 10 million people.

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