DO YOU EVER TAKE THE TIME TO JUST TAKE A BREAK FROM THE GRIND AND JUST PLAY AROUND? The other night I spent about an hour and a half playing around with my little cousin Nathan and my mind was...
Category: Happiness
February 23, 2012 Below is one of my favorite scenes from the movie Dead Poet’s Society: Seize the Day. PITTS “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old time is still a flying, and this...
Tony Robbins Taught Me How To Increase My Energy in 5 Minutes
May 25, 2011 In this short video, I share a technique that I got from Tony Robbins’ Get The Edge program. It simply involves a breathing technique and a series of tapping that gets your...
February 28, 2011 Facebook has become such a normal part of everyday conversation over the past few years. It’s everywhere from TV to having it’s own movie “The Social Network” and...