3 Ways To Get Over The Fear Of Creating Video Content – WhosChrisHughes.com

3 Ways To Get Over The Fear Of Creating Video Content

Creating videos can be downright terrifying. Especially when you’re just getting started.

You’re going to feel judged, you’ll wonder what that guy or girl from high school would ever think if they saw you… you’ll think about your ex’s and what they’ll think if they know you’re making videos now.

At least, that was the case for me. I felt terribly judged, and even my best friends and family members told me how weird I was when I did videos. It’s all a part of the process.

You’re going to be bad when you start… that’s just how the world works. The good news is that you’re looking to improve yourself, and that’s the first step towards getting better.

In this video, I share a few ways to get over the fear of creating video content. By getting over this fear, you’re going to jumpstart the amount of videos you create and get better faster. It’s going to be awkward. You’re going to dislike a lot of what you create, but if you keep at it, you’ll get good.

When you are getting started I want you to remember that no one is going to be watching your first 10-100 videos. You don’t have to tell anyone you are creating them and not many people will see them. So that eliminates a lot of the worry, or it should.

The next thing is that you might wonder about the gear needed to make great videos. As long as you have a smartphone, you’re golden. Seriously. If you have a smartphone that has been made in the last 3-4 years you have plenty of tech to make great videos.

You will want to get some kind of a tripod at some point though, and then you’ll want to get lights as well if you aren’t shooting during the day.

Chris Hughes

My goal is to positively impact the lives of over 10 million people.

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