Train Your Brain –

Train Your Brain

There is a theory of the structure and functions of the mind which suggests that the two different sides of the brain control different “modes” of your thinking. The theory also suggests that each of us prefers one mode over the other. I want to make you aware of these two modes and give you some tips to improving the connection between your brain.

Experiments have shown that the two sides are responsible for different types of thinking. In the table below, there’s a littl information about the differences:

Left BrainRight Brain
AnalyticalHolistic Synthesizing
Looks at partsLooks at wholes

Which side of the brain do you prefer? I personally am more right brained and sometimes have trouble with getting my ideas down into rational thoughts. Some people are more whole-brained and have reached a healthy balance with both modes, if this is you congrats!

If you’ve had trouble in the traditional school system, it may be because you are more right-brained. Our schools typically favor left-brain modes of thinking, and actually downplay the right-brained students. Left-brain subjects focus on the logical thinking, analysis and accuracy of everything. Right-brain subjects focus on the aesthetics, feelings and creativity of the student.

How Right-Brain vs. Left-Brain Thinking Impacts Learning

School’s Curriculum–In order to be more “whole-brained” in their orientation, schools need to give equal weight to the arts, creativity, and the skills of imagination and synthesis. A lot of schools have been getting rid of the arts in schools and eliminating them from the curriculum. This is NOT the way to help students become as good as they can be and reach their full potential. So if you are a teacher reading this, please incorporate some right-brained activities into your classroom, for the sake of your students’ futures.

Instruction–To foster a more whole-brained scholastic experience, teachers should start to use instruction techniques that connect with both sides of the brain. It’s possible to increase the students’ right-brain learning activities by incorporating more patterning, metaphors, analogies, role playing, visuals, and movement into their classroom activities.

Assessment– This is where some problems arise. I personally have always had a hard time understanding how art can be graded, because some people are great at it while others struggle, yet they both work hard at the task. For a more accurate whole-brained evaluation of student learning, educators must develop new forms of assessment that honor right-brained talents and skills.

I’m in the process of starting a company called Brain Smart Success in which our mission is to help people become more whole-brained by providing activities that will help strengthen the bond between the left and right side of the brain. So if you want to learn more about that, visit and you will be able to hire us soon for consulting and speaking engagements for various types of businesses.

Chris Hughes

My goal is to positively impact the lives of over 10 million people.

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