What’s Your Perfect Day? – WhosChrisHughes.com

What’s Your Perfect Day?

I’ve got a question for you and would love to have your input. This is a little different from the traditional “blog post”, however, I felt that this would be a great way for me to get to know you.

So, you’re going to need to participate a little bit if you want.

If there were no limitations or consequences, what would your perfect average day look like?

Average day means: stuff you could do every day and not die or get sick of
No limitations: no financial limitations, geographical, health, limiting people, nothing

Consequences: not stuff that you could get “into trouble” for

Please leave your feedback on what your perfect day would be! I’d love to learn more about YOU!

Things to consider:

  • Where would you live?
  • What would your house look like? What would it smell like?
  • What time would you wake up?
  • What would you do in the morning? Perfect breakfast?
  • Where would you spend the first half of your day?
  • What would you have for lunch and who would you eat with?
  • Who would your friends be? What would their behaviors be?
  • What would you do for personal fulfillment?
  • What life purpose would you strive for?
  • What time would you start work?
  • What would you actually DO at work?

Get down to the mundane stuff and it will help you with getting to where you want to be. If you’d like, I’d love for you to create a  blog post and link it back to this post!

Chris Hughes

My goal is to positively impact the lives of over 10 million people.

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