Video Marketing Tip: Come Closer to the Camera –

Video Marketing Tip: Come Closer to the Camera

One thing that I’ve learned while creating hundreds of videos is that it is super important to get closer to the camera when you are doing video marketing.


Well the simplest reason is that it allows people to see into your soul…

okay, okay that might be a little deep but you get the idea.

It is the quickest and easiest way for a “cold prospect” to learn more about you. Sure you could write millions of words on a website and hope that people will just magically understand what you’re trying to communicate and buy everything from you, but that’s a little harder than just creating some videos.

By getting closer to the camera when shooting your videos you are taking full advantage of the “picture is worth 1,000 words” idea. While I’m not sure how many words a video is actually worth, I’m sure its at least 1,001 words.

Putting yourself out there can be pretty scary though and I admit when I first got started with shooting videos I had the camera really far away from my face because I thought people needed to see my whole body for some reason.

It wasn’t until a little over a month ago when I found out about this little video marketing tip that I started to implement it…

side tip: when you learn something that is working well for a lot of people, implement it immediately.



Well, not real magic.

But something awesome did happen. More and more people started commenting on my videos and leaving their thoughts when I was asking them to.

People were actually listening to what I was sharing and actually doing what I asked them to.

It’s a pretty great feeling when that happens.

So my video marketing tip for you is to put that camera closer to your beautiful face. It’s going to be a little frightening at first, but I promise it’ll be alright. No one will come out of your camera lens and eat you…unless you’re REALLY good at lucid dreaming and are actually asleep.

My challenge for you is to actually do this.

The next time you shoot a video, put it up closer to your face and record it. It’s a simple little tweak that will have a major impact on the way people react to your videos.

Chris Hughes

My goal is to positively impact the lives of over 10 million people.

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