The Extraordinary Power of the Ordinary –

The Extraordinary Power of the Ordinary


90% of anything is showing up. This took me a long time to learn for college. My freshman year, I struggled to go to class because it was my first time out on my own and away from home…

Since then, I’ve learned some stuff 

We can learn a lot from helping companies market their services and that is what I am starting to do now. Over time, you find that a pattern emerges. We see that companies occupy niches in a market and we learn that there really are only a few true positions of power in these niches.

There is something that I have found out to be true, one position emerges with a special strength and a strong appeal to a large percentage of prospects in each market that I’ve been helping…that is “The Reliable Performer”

You’re probably familiar with it, I mean think of the Maytag commercials and the Maytag repairman! He’s really got nothing to do because Maytags don’t really need repairing. However, Maytag keeps repeating their clever icon of the repairman.

Toyota is also one of these reliable performers, hell, I drive a 2000 Toyota Corolla and it’s awesome! Toyota’s = great cars

Remember, time and time again that the prospect often chooses the Reliable Performer; the one who shows up and performs well, not necessarily spectacularly, but does this day after day.

Above all, most people choose the reliable one. Be there!

Chris Hughes

My goal is to positively impact the lives of over 10 million people.

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