My New Year’s Resolutions for 2010 –

My New Year’s Resolutions for 2010

December 30, 2009

I thought that the best way to make sure that I stick with my New Year’s Resolution is to make a blog post and share it with the world. I’d like to give you my resolutions as well as give you some advice and tips on how to follow through with yours.


I will exercise 5-7 days a week. NO EXCUSES. Proper exercise is so important to me and there is no reason that I can not dedicate an hour every single day to do some sort of exercise. I will be starting another 90 day P90X workout and will be recording some stuff with it to help others who are doing the workout!

Proper Eating

I will continue eating healthy, yet want to try some raw food into my diet as well as implementing wheat grass  into my diet. If you want to help me out and either buy some wheat grass seeds or something else to help, you can buy me one of them from my Amazon wish list :)

For 90 Days during my P90X Extreme workout I only ate unhealthy on 3 different days. I will have 1 day a week where I will be able to substitute some not so healthy food into my diet. Maybe a few Reese Cups (my favorite candy) or some Nacho’s from Taco Bell.

My happiness first

2010 is going to be the year that I declare as the year where I think about myself first and my happiness first. I’m no longer going to do the things that make me unhappy. I will start to do things every day that guarantee my happiness.


I want to start traveling more and actually get to some of the destinations on my Travel list. I will start to plan to visit some of these places and actually spend time in these different places. Maybe it will be one place that I visit, but it’s a start. We all need to start somewhere, right?

Connect with fellow Entrepreneurs

I will make a major point of connecting with fellow Entrepreneurs and collaborating with them to create some great content. I’ve connected with a ton so far, but I feel that there is so much more that can be accomplished when we collaborate.

Create a TON of valuable content

Pretty self explanatory. I want to create killer content to share with people as well as work with businesses to help them establish a better presence online.

Become a Go-Giver first

You can learn about becoming a Go-Giver on my blog review of The Go-Giver I will start to implement the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success to guarantee that I will be more successful in 2010 than I was in 2009.

Go on more dates

2010 will be the first year that I will start out as a single man for the past 3 years. You probably know me well enough to know that if I want to learn something, I buy products that teach me how I can learn it.

So, I bought some products by David DeAngelo, mainly Double Your Dating and Approaching Women video series and will be dedicating time each day to improve myself and my dating life. He speaks of making a commitment to improving your dating life and I am making a commitment for 2010 to improve my dating life. I will implement more of the cocky & funny and really enjoy the time I spend speaking with women.

Re-Create Juggling Secrets and gear it towards business owners

Right now I am reading a book called “More Balls than Hands” by Michael Gelb and he is speaking a lot about the importance of Juggling as a way of learning to balance your business life. I want to turn this juggling course into a resource for business owners so that they can learn the benefits of juggling for their business as well as learn how to balance more projects in a more efficient way.

Create a successful business performing Internet Marketing Services for Small Businesses

I am going to follow through with my business and turn it into a successful business this year. I will hire my first employees and take on more accounts in order to reach my goals.

Become an outstanding individual

I want to further develop my social skills. Interact with more people each and every day. I will make it a point to start more conversations with people who I meet in classes, in seminars, at business meetups, conferences, standing in line for food and everywhere I go. I will become more of a social person in 2010.

Read more

I know that this is difficult, but I am obsessed with learning and will continue to read 1-2 books or more a month. Hopefully I will be able to increase my reading speed further so that I can read more, faster. :)

Won’t be so obsessed with work

For a while I had a problem where all I would do was work . I will spend more time hanging out with friends and actually enjoying some of my free time. I need to start doing this so that I do not become a complete workaholic and overwork myself. Along with this, I will be able to dedicate more times to hang out with friends :)

How to Finally Keep Your Resolutions in 2010 is a great post by Brenton Gieser and he pretty much summed up everything that I had wanted to sum up in my message to you about how to keep your resolutions :-) Check it out!

What are your resolutions for this year? Have you planned any or are you scared? Let me know so that I can help you accomplish your goals!

Chris Hughes

My goal is to positively impact the lives of over 10 million people.

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