How To Make More Consistent Progress On Your Goals –

How To Make More Consistent Progress On Your Goals

Ever wondered how it seems so easy for some people to achieve their goals and so difficult for you?

There are a couple of different reasons for this. You want to make sure that you are taking daily action towards your goals. Using daily deliberate practice will allow you to shortcut the time it takes to achieve your goals.

The problems arise when you have some things in the way of your goals. Your atmosphere has an impact on your goals, so you need to make sure that you make things as easy as possible for you to do the daily tasks towards achieving your goals.

For me, going to the gym is one of my daily goals to get me towards my fitness goals. So I make it a point to put my shoes on and my gym clothes on in the morning so that I’m ready to go to the gym after I have my coffee.

I also have a tripod and lights set up in my home office so that there is a very little restriction for me to start filming. This makes doing my Facebook Live videos and my YouTube videos a little bit easier because I don’t have to set stuff up.

It’s little things like this that make achieving your goals easier to accomplish.

So how do you stay consistent with trying to achieve your goals?

Yo need to identify what the things in your atmosphere are conducive to you achieving your goals and make them easier to do. You also want to eliminate the distractions so that way you have fewer reasons not to do something.

Making something a habit is another way to make more consistent progress on your goals. When something is a habit of yours, its just something you do. You might not even be aware that you’re doing it.

Once you get to that stage, it becomes easier for your goals to just happen naturally.

Chris Hughes

My goal is to positively impact the lives of over 10 million people.

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