Accomplish More by Setting Deadlines for your Goals –

Accomplish More by Setting Deadlines for your Goals

“Goals are dreams with a deadline” 

– Tony Robbins

Goals are an issue that has always bothered me. The reason why is pretty simple and it is because too many people “set goals” yet completely forget about them.

I’ve done it a ton of times and I don’t doubt that you have done the same thing. I wrote down a goal, but wasn’t really specific on when  wanted to accomplish it or how I was going to accomplish it. You guessed it, the goal didn’t get reached 

I’m not saying that you need to have a set plan on how something is going to play out, since basically we are all making up our life as we go along. Nothing can be thoroughly planned and work perfectly every time, it just doesn’t work that way. The thing is, there is a difference between goals and commitments.

Goals are dreams with a deadline, you can choose when you want to accomplish something and you will need to write down a specific time that you want these goals to be accomplished. This is when making the commitment comes into play. By writing down the goal with a deadline, you are committing to accomplishing it.

So, write deadlines for your goals! You will be happier and notice that you are accomplishing more and more of your goals. Don’t try to accomplish those impossible goals in 2 weeks or a month, make it as realistic as possible and make a plan of action and you’ll notice your goals are being accomplished little by little inching you closer to where you want to be. 

This is a short post, but i’m hoping to get a point across to you. Set goals, but remember to include deadlines for these goals.

Please feel free to share this with anyone who might need that little kick in the rear to get their goals accomplished. Thanks!

Chris Hughes

My goal is to positively impact the lives of over 10 million people.

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