Jun 15, 2013
Chris, what do you take with you on your adventures?”
Since I’m an online marketer I figure I’ll start with the most important things for me…. the technology I travel with!

This is my baby. I got her in September of 2010 and she hasn’t left my side since. She’s been with me through it all and has stood her fair share of travel! I love this thing. It’s been with me through Buffalo,NY, Orlando, Florida, Panama, the Philippines, Costa Rica and about 4 other states in the US.
This thing is flat out POWERFUL. The quality of the videos I am able to create with this is unparalleled the photos it takes makes even my photos look like a professional took them and its extremely simple to use. Hell, all I used it for the first 2 months I owned it was shooting videos! I’m starting to get a little better with it and every single day I seem to learn a little bit more about the powers of this camera. There’s a lot of tutorials out there and classes for learning more about how to use these powerful cameras.
This is a pretty awesome little piece of machinery. You can ALMOST do everything you can on a computer with it. The only thing I haven’t done successfully with this is editing videos that I shoot with my camera. However, it does work for quick videos and the quality of the video is really good. I mainly use it for reading, playing some games while bored in airports or creating mind maps when I have ideas and don’t have a notepad with me. The tools available in apps is unreal.
This is a relatively new addition to the bag (less than 3 months old right now). I’ve backed up everything that was on my MacBook Pro to this and plan on it saving a bunch of my information for a long time…at least until someone comes out with a new and improved DropBox with a couple terabytes of storage. I like how small it is and how it doesn’t take up much room but still has a TON of space which is perfect for all the pictures/videos I shoot. You can get yours on Amazon here.
This thing is straight badass. The quality in this is absolutely unreal and its extremely portable. I can carry these, my camera, a spare battery all in my little camera bag that takes up very little space. You can get yours on Amazon here.
I love my iPhone 4s. I also picked up the LifeProof case because lets face it, when you travel you need it. I could end up getting stuck in a downpour in the Philippines or end up swimming under a waterfall in Panama and just happen to have my phone with me. Better safe than sorry!
Gotta carry around your camera and microphone in something! The CaseLogic camera bags are relatively inexpensive and work very well. It doesn’t broadcast too much that you’re running around with a few hundred dollar camera around your neck/back either. You’ve gotta remember that when you’re traveling with electronics you don’t want people to know you have electronics. That attracts thieves too much. Get your bag here.
I bought one pair of these prior to traveling to see how the material was and whether or not it was comfortable. After testing them for a week I immediately bought another pair. The motto for these boxers is “17 countries. 6 weeks. One pair of award-winning underwear.” and for damn good reason. I’ve had these 2 pairs for about 8 MONTHS not weeks and still love these things. If you are on the road a bunch you can literally just wash these in the sink every night, let one pair dry overnight while wearing the others and I’ve done this so so many times its not even funny!
If you’re going to be traveling get at least 2 pairs of these. Get them here.

Look at that! How cool is that. These shorts are pretty slick if I do say so. They look like average shorts, but have 8 yes 8 pockets in them. What I like about this is that sometimes I’ll hide like $20 or $100 in one of the hidden pockets on myself and then find it the next time I wear these shorts. It’s always a fun surprise finding money
You can get these here. (non-affiliate link)
Try to get as many breathable type t-shirts that will be good in many climates. For example, I have about 5 shirts like the ones below. I like these shirts because they work wonderful for travel. They are light-weight, take up barely any room in my bag and work great because I tend to spend a lot of time in tropical environments and these are great for the “anti-sweat” type of stuff they’re made of. SCIENCE!
You can get these t-shirts on Amazon.
Weird looking shoes, right? I agree. However they are pretty awesome for doing everything that I need shoes for. 99% of the time I am either barefoot or in flip-flops and the times I do need shoes are for things like hiking, mountain climbing or anything where I might step on glass…although I’ve stepped on glass a bunch of times barefoot anyway lol.
These things are great because they take up barely any room, are simple to take with you anywhere and they’re actually better for your feet than traditional shoes. Go on, do some research
aww my babies! I love these things. Takes about a week of normal wear in order to get them broken in, but after that it feels like you’re walking barefoot everywhere. They mold to your feet perfectly. As you can tell, these things get their fair share of wear! I’m in them everyday everywhere I go… I hate wearing shoes. Get yours today at http://amzn.to/11DIVu3
Kiva keychain duffle bag. This thing is flat out badass. Look at how small it is!
Yet it folds out into a duffle bag… I’ve used this duffle bag for trips up to 4 days… sure I was camping in the mountains, wearing boardshorts and rotating tank tops for the days but it held all that stuff in this little bag that folds into your hand.
This thing is legit. Takes up almost no room in your bags and is worth the price by far. KIVA has done a great job with all of their stuff. I’m sure in the future I will be buying other products from them. You can get yours today here.
The convenience of this is beyond words. If you’ve ever been or knew someone on the swim team in high school or college you’re probably familiar with shammy’s…. or if you’ve ever seen the shamWOW commercial, you understand how this works. Basically this towel takes up very little space yet can be used as a towel for the full body. It’s perfect for travel. I’ve used mine everywhere from climbing up waterfalls, swimming on the beaches of the world and even in the shower when a hostile I was staying didn’t have any towels.
This thing takes up no space and is well worth it. Get yours today here.
So you’re probably wondering… so what do you do about all the stuff you need for the bathroom?
Well, I do take a pair of tweezers and a pair of nail clippers with me and a travel toothbrush. The truth is that you can pretty much buy a toothbrush/toothpaste anywhere you go. You can also buy shampoo, conditioner and all the other bathroom stuff you could possibly ever need while on the road. It’s finding ways like this to save space that you’ll come to love. The way I look at it, the less I carry the less weight I have to cart around.