The John Galt Pledge –

The John Galt Pledge

“I swear by my life, and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”

You can take this pledge by printing out this page and/or writing this out for yourself in your own notebook.

I take this pledge as a personal Declaration of Independence. As a sovereign individual, I assert the exclusive right to my life, my liberty and my property, as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution. As government is properly instituted to protect my rights, I oppose, and declare as unconstitutional, all actions taken by government that violate the very rights it is charged with defending.

I support a return to the principle of individualism upon which this country was founded. And rejecting any initiation of the use of force as being wholly inappropriate, I support a society based strictly upon voluntary association and free trade among its people.

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