My Honest Review of “Tweeting for Dollars: A Beginner’s Guide” –

My Honest Review of “Tweeting for Dollars: A Beginner’s Guide”

Before we get started on this, just know that I am going to share my link for this course with you. It’s an affiliate link and I want you to use my link to buy this course after you read through the review.

Now that we got that out of the way, let’s talk about why I enjoyed the Tweeting for Dollars: A Beginner’s Guide product from Jay Rembert.

Why am I sharing this guide?

Before I go into all the reasons, Jay actually started making money on Twitter when he had around 500 followers.

So if you’re reading this right now and you think “that would be nice, but I don’t have a lot of followers”… the count doesn’t necessarily matter. It’s how you interact with people and help them that matters.

So I’m sharing this with you because it’s actually been super informative for me and I’ve been on Twitter since 2008, so I’ve used Twitter for a long long time.

One of my favorite parts of the guide was actually one of the bonuses that it came with. The PDF that talks about “Twitter Search Tools” is so informative for finding content that’s gone viral and how you can replicate it.

They are simple little search terms, you do need to know what to search for, but you’ll come across some incredible insights for your niche. You’ll need to get the course to access this though.

Jay’s formula for making affiliate sales on Twitter is extremely simple, and I like simple.

  1. Gain the audience’s attention.
  2. Put an offer in front of the audience.

What? That’s it?! Yeah…

that’s why I liked his guide. I’m a huge fan of “KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid” because if I don’t keep something simple, I don’t do it. I know myself… and when things get too complicated I just don’t do them.

My whole business model since 2012 has been to build up big audiences and sell them stuff. I pay money to acquire fans on Facebook to build a big fan page, I engage with the fans and then I send them to websites I own (or partner with) to drive traffic to offers. It’s super simple, and that’s what I like.

You can ask any of my friends or business partners. When too many things are put into making the system operate, I know it doesn’t work… and I ask WHY.

Keep It Simple Stupid.

So when I went through Jay’s guide, it made sense. I didn’t need to overcomplicate it. I’ve used Twitter for years to connect with authors, meet cool Entrepreneurs and occasionally send people to my blog here. It’s been more for the experience than the money… and i’ll admit it’s mainly because I didn’t know HOW to leverage it to make money.

What is included in this course?

Here’s a screenshot of what’s inside the course. You can also see my rating of it at the bottom, a 5 star review.

Look at all those bonuses!

Okay so if you’re still reading this you probably want a little bit more information about this. Maybe you just don’t want to invest in yourself and your business.

If that’s the case, I’m going to tell you that you have 2 options right now.

The first option is to click here and buy the product. (You should do the first option). The second option is to keep doing what you’ve always done. It’s gotten you to where you are at right now. If you’re crushing it and living like a rockstar then maybe you don’t need to invest in something to improve your life.

My guess is that you’re reading through this because you aren’t really that happy with where you’re at. You know that you are capable of more and you want more. Is that right?

If so, just get the course from Jay.

That’s it. Go buy the course.