The Human Approach: Focusing less on pitch and more on customers needs. –

The Human Approach: Focusing less on pitch and more on customers needs.

This is a result that will most likely surprise you, I know it surprised me when I first realized it.

Let’s face it if we are salespeople, which everyone in life is. At least in one way or another.

Most salespeople weren’t the high-honor kids, hell many of us struggle to get through school in general! Fortunately, we know that we aren’t stupid because of this, we just need to do things a little differently.

There is a couple books that I recently read entitled Social Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence which are by Daniel Goleman. The reason that I read these was because well, our ability to sell depends upon self-awareness and social savvy.

By understanding our customers and skillfully responding to them is a question of not only emotional but social intelligence, not all those hard selling skills that you’ve been memorizing!


Humans are wired to connect says Goleman. What this means for you and I is that….We ALREADY have the mental agility to naturally soar to the top of the sales class! How cool is that, no more stupid exams telling us that we aren’t good enough 

These are all learned capabilities that must be worked on in order to achieve some outstanding performance in sales.

We need to basically just stop obsessing over those silly sales books and tactics that haven’t worked that well for me, they may have worked for you though and congrats on that!

However, for those of us who don’t necessarily agree with those tactics, how about we try something called the human approach?

Ditch the idea of being a salesperson and just be a person. Find what your customers needs are and help solve these needs! Simple, yet effective.

Chris Hughes

My goal is to positively impact the lives of over 10 million people.

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