The Tenth Trait of Successful Entrepreneurs –

The Tenth Trait of Successful Entrepreneurs

February 23, 2010


I’ve already written a post on passion based on the book Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk

Basically you need to be passionate as all hell about the success of your business. You need to be willing to stay up late working and wake up early to finish your projects. You need to absolutely LOVE what you are doing and this will lead to you never working a day in your life, but enjoying your passion every day of your life.

The book definitely explains how you can find your passion and pursue it so check out the book review of Crush It!

Think about Michael Jordan… he was the most passionate basketball player of his time. He would bust his ass every single day and that’s the reason he was successful. Oh yeah, he got cut from his high school basketball team. However his PASSION to succeed in basketball led him to becoming the greatest ball player of all time. What is your excuse?

Chris Hughes

My goal is to positively impact the lives of over 10 million people.

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