What’s Holding You Back? – WhosChrisHughes.com

What’s Holding You Back?

I’ve dug even deeper in the world of Pick-Up Artists and am learning more about becoming a better man. Here’s a clip from the current program that I am working my way through and what it’s all about:

There’s a lot of deep stuff that’s happening in this course and once again it’s forcing me to ask questions that scare me. The reason they scare me is because they’re asking me to truly answer questions in ways that point out where I need to improve.

It’s crazy…this stuff is supposed to be all about picking up girls, when in reality it’s like I’m learning to pick myself up and improve who I am.

In this program, I was once again asked questions that made me feel uncomfortable inside. If you’d like to grow with me, ask yourself these same questions.

The first question that was asked is a typical question when it comes to identifying areas where you can grow.

What is my biggest challenge or frustration right now?

This question was very difficult for me to answer. The reason it was hard for me was that I wasn’t being 100% honest with myself. I was trying to tell myself that everything was going great, when sometimes they weren’t going great. Sometimes things were going great, other times I would be struggling. I’ve heard that this is all part of the journey.

My biggest challenge or frustration right now is figuring out what I enjoy doing and finding a way to become wealthy doing this thing. I don’t believe that I’ve tried enough types of work to truly understand what I love doing. This frustrates me because I understand that having work that I truly enjoy will help me feel more fulfilled.

I also get frustrated because I want to be more successful with what I’m doing and feel that at this current point in my life I’m not living up to my full potential. I feel like some of my talents are being wasted because I’ve just been cruising by when I should be hustling and working more.

Leave The OLD YOU Behind

This program is all about leaving the old YOU behind and becoming a brand new YOU. It’s also all about taking the lessons that you learned as your old self and learning from them.

Something that was said in this program that truly hit home with me was “We are the only person we are accountable to.”

We’re not accountable to anyone but ourselves. When you think about it this makes sense. If we can’t be accountable to ourselves there is no way we can be accountable to others.

What’s the difference between your current reality and what you truly want?

This question is also really difficult to address because I find it’s really hard to find out what I truly want. Do you feel the same way?

Thinking about what I truly want is hard.

What do I want to do on a daily basis that makes me feel good? What do I want to do every day that will add value to other people’s lives? What can I do on a daily basis to become healthier and stronger? What can I do to relax and unwind on a daily basis that I won’t get bored doing?

My current reality consists of me having my health together, going to the gym every day and doing a workout of some sort. I’m also eating healthier and learning on a daily basis. I’m not currently doing something that is making a huge difference in the lives of others either, which I ultimately want to be a part of.

My ideal day starts off waking up next to an awesome girlfriend, going to exercise in the early morning, come home and eat breakfast. I will then have meetings scheduled in the morning , lunch with business partners, potential clients, friends or my girlfriend. After lunch I will create some videos to help my clients and to automate more of my business tasks as well as do consulting calls for a few hours. I will then spend some time with friends playing some kind of sport, whether that’s soccer, basketball or golfing. The rest of the night I will relax and unwind at the end of the day either with a good book or just relaxing to a good movie.

What is currently holding you back?

Chris Hughes

My goal is to positively impact the lives of over 10 million people.

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